Sunday, October 24, 2010

The one thing that changes everything...

"I am the vine, you are the branches. If a man remains in me and I in him, he will bear much fruit, apart from me you can do nothing." John 15:5

I'm reminded today that the one thing that changes everything is whether or not we remain in Him. So often I forget it's that simple.

Want to bear much fruit? Remain in Him.
Want to conquer deep root strongholds? Remain in Him.
Want to be victorious in that seemingly hopeless situation? Remain in Him.
Want God to use you to mightily in the Kingdom of God? Remain in Him.
Want to be gracious and respectful to your spouse? Remain in Him.
Want to have the strength to be patient when you don't have it in you? Remain in Him.
Want to have a great day? Remain in Him.
Want to keep in perfect peace? Remain in Him.
Want to make sure you don't miss one good thing He has for you? Remain in Him.

Regardless of what I have going every day, my one job is to remain in stay plugged in to what He's saying and to be obedient to what He's telling me to do. If I miss that, I've missed the most important thing.

Feeling distant? Then I encourage you to push away the distractions and plug-in to your power source ...because it's the only thing that can truly change everything.

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